
Serious games are computer games with learning objectives, and present stimulating contexts with interactive, engaging and immersive activities. The brain wave analysis and the neuro-functional correlates of game-based learning revealed that game-based learning is a powerful tool to enliven processes of learning through providing reward and emotional engagement. Implementing a game design model that effectively incorporates game mechanics and pedagogical mechanics is essential in the development of a serious game as an interactive learning environment. The current literature provides many serious game development framework, however, no single framework is sufficient to cover interdisciplinary field of exploratory serious games. This study aimed to develop a framework for designing exploratory serious games. In order to ensure that learners would attain objectives of the learning unit in the game, the proposed conceptual design framework was based upon (a) Kiili’s experiential gaming model (2005), (b) 4C/ID instructional design model (Van Merrienboer, Clark, & de Croock, 2002), (c) ARCS motivation model (Keller, 1987), and (d) Activity theory (Engeström, 1987). The framework pays particular attention on learning support mechanisms of the game because students may have difficulty in, miss or avoid learning curricular content of an exploratory serious game when they focus on merely game mechanics. Finally, the study also stresses and discusses enhancing players’ flow experience and enriching adaptability of the game through design of task regimes.

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