
Abstract Sustainability of the National Health Systems (NHS) has been facing different challenges. A community-oriented Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CommOr C-PHC) could help its survival. Such a framework, focused on health promotion, primary prevention, not communicable disease management, requires new capabilities among health professionals. Considering teamwork and interprofessional collaboration (IPC) as PHC core elements, there is growing recognition of the need of interprofessional education (IPE). Nevertheless, italian medical education is distant from other disciplines and mainly based on hospital care settings. Since this situation represents an obstacle to implement a CommOr C-PHC model of health service, new ways of training students and retraining actual health workers should be developed. The aim of the project is to design IPE programs and to improve IPC within the C-PHC framework, shared learning environments placed in the community were developed. At the end of 2017 a group of young italian health professionals (public health resident, young general practitioner, social assistant, nurse, medical anthropologist, etc) founded the Campaign “2018 Primary Health care: Now or never”, a cultural movement of public health advocacy. Its goals are: The creation of a common cultural background through the study of PHC evidence and best italian and international practices. Organization of workshops all over Italy: peer education training session, site-visits, lectures with Italian and foreigner health professionals, based on need assessment methods. Individuation of learning environments placed in the community and in a primary care setting where students can apprehend social determinants of health, exercise critical thinking and develop transprofessional knowledge. Key messages Young health professionals from Italy, starting from the need for a different educational framework, based on IPE, created a movement to defend the NHS and promote PHC principles. The success and large participation of a national campaign sustaining PHC and aimed at promoting interprofessional education shows the need for a change in the medical education field.

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