
In the conditions of martial law, introduced by the decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2022 of February 24, 2022, all social relations have undergone significant changes. Civil law is no exception, which in turn is one of the main ones in the process of functioning and development of the state. The factors that influenced the deformation of social relations include both subjective and objective factors. This was expressed in the physical impossibility of the functioning of certain state mechanisms and institutions, the duties of which are to provide citizens with a certain number of rights and opportunities. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the process of renewal of the land lease agreement under special conditions, namely during martial law. The work used the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, deduction, generalization. As a result, it was possible to reveal the content of the land lease agreement, as well as its original provisions. In addition, the legal framework that regulates the field of land lease, as well as the obligations of the parties to such a contract, has been researched. An important part of the work was the study of legislative innovations that changed the procedure for renewing the land lease agreement. Based on this, the meaning of the concept of “expression of will” was studied and possible ways of renewing the contract without proper expression of will of the parties were considered. In addition, the external conditions that influence this process and can negatively affect the legal position of the lessor or lessee are investigated. It is important that, in addition to the identified shortcomings in the new norma­tive legal acts, recommendations for their elimination and resolution were formed in the work. To a greater extent, changes should be made to some laws regulating land relations, in particu­lar land lease agreements. The practical value of the work is revealed in the fact that it can be used both by ordinary citizens to protect their rights and fulfill their duties, and by legislators in order to eliminate regulatory conflicts characteristic of the current legislation.

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