
The main subject of this work is the new aesthetics of atmospheres promoted in the last decades of 20th century by Gernot B?hme. Aesthetics of the atmospheres is a consequence of revival of aesthesis in contemporary aesthetics. The concept of atmospheres changes the model of perception from mechanical-cognitivistic to pathic and existential: perception is not grasping the sensitive qualities of things, but bodily sensing ourselves in the presence of atmospheres filling space or environment. Traditional concept of aisthesis and aesthetics as a science of sensitive knowledge provides a model for contemporary aesthetics and renewal of interest for sensitivity and perception in problems related to nature and aestheticized life world and politics. The task of contemporary aesthetic theory is to analyse the full range aesthetic work and aesthetic experiences using concept of atmospheres, not only related to works of art, but to nature and everyday life as well. In the context of contemporary theories of appreciation of nature, this type of aesthetic theory belongs to aesthesical model. According to this model, sensing oneself in the presence of aesthetic object in nature or art is the principal feature of every aesthetic experience.

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