
Horizon 2020 [1] and its successor Horizon Europe [2] provide the research and innovation framework to support the European Union policies for strengthening its scientific and technological basis in order to deliver on citizen's priorities and shared worldwide values, like fighting global challenges. Actions under the challenge "Secure, clean and efficient energy" of Horizon 2020 answer to the need for cost-effective and secure renewable fuel production to assist the decarbonisation of the energy and transport sectors and contribute to limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Being part of Mission Innovation [3] challenges "Converting sunlight into storable solar fuels" and "Sustainable Biofuels", the European Union leads research in renewable and breakthrough fuel technologies through dedicated actions in the Horizon 2020 Energy Work Programme [4]. Disruptive technologies for renewable fuels that outperform fossil fuels are also included. Dedicated topics on solar fuels and international collaboration opportunities worldwide will be presented. Furthermore, the inducement prize "Fuel from the Sun: Artificial Photosynthesis" which was launched in December 2017 [5] will be covered. Future support under Horizon-Europe will be presented.

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