
The Policy & Measure suggested to develop in a country such as the central Asia Countries a path for renewable energy and energy efficiency should follow a set of guide principle such as: ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS a) Incentives to production, as the “feed in tariffs or law”, fiscal credits to production, “net metering”, fiscal credits to the utilities that “sell” energy efficiency to final users; b) Financial mechanisms, as “bond”, loans and mortgages at a lower rate, fiscal credits and mechanisms of public and private financial support to the production of energy from renewable sources. c) “benefit” systems (System Benefits Charges - SBC), to support the recover of financial or fiscal incentives, to cover within the shortest time the loans demanded by the entrepreneur of renewables energy. d) Programs of financing from Public bodies to University and specific agencies for the basic researches, and intervention of private capitals for applied researches and commercial development; e) Incentive to commercial mechanisms (“Trading”) of “commodities”, as green certificates, white certificates and Certificates of Emissions Reduction (CERs) fixed by the Kyoto Protocol, to strengthen the renewable energies, enhance the entry of this energy sources in the market, increase the value of the environmental added benefits of such energy choices. f) Introduction of target taxation (carbon energy tax) not only as an increased fiscal withdraw, but also as governmental “zero incentives” to the business and utilities that do not use renewable energy sources. INTERVENTIONS TROUGH INTERMEDIATE AND LOCAL BODIES g) individuation of minimum shares of renewable energies that every municipality, Province or Region in Italy should provide, requesting each local body to cover at least 35% of its energy needs with “green electricity”, produced from renewable sources. h) Development of regional, provincial and municipal programs, to promote renewable sources and research applied to the land, together with Italian and European universities and companies. INTERVENTION ON PROCEDURES AND AUTHORIZATION i) Removal of procedural and bureaucratic difficulties, as building licenses and other authorizations that are a barrier for the use of renewable sources, always considering the need for the protection of the environment and of the Italian artistic heritage, and especially the time limit for the decisions about authorizations. j) Removal of extreme economic and fiscal barriers that hinder renewable sources, promoting access to the network for autoproducers, including individual users. k) Standardization process of regulatory and authorization systems on a national basis, that would allow unifying them and with the national and European sets of laws l) Development and application of agreements of inter-connection to the transmission network that have to be standardized and easy to apply.

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