
Interest in the renal function of newborn infants has been aroused by recent studies which indicate that the glomerular filtration rate is relatively low during the newborn period. The application of a method devised by one of us1 to 7 apparently normal full-term infants ranging in age from 4 to 9 days suggested glomerular filtration rates between 20 and 40% of the average normal adult values. McCance and Young2 have since published an extensive study of renal function of newborn infants, in which are included observations on inulin clearances in 3 infants, aged 6 to 13 days, with meningoceles. Urine collections were made by means of catheterization, and the determined inulin clearances were of the order of 43% of the average adult value. These workers pointed out that the inulin clearances varied considerably with the minute urine volumes. In addition, they observed corresponding changes in urea clearances. Gordon, Harrison, and McNamara,3 determining urea clearances in premature and full-term infants ra...

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