
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are only exceptionally primary to the kidney. At present, scant information is known regarding the behavior and prognosis of renal NETs, especially according to the assessment of grading parameters used for NETs originating from other more commonplace sites such as the pancreas and lungs. There are only rare reports of grade assessment in renal NETs, with most of these reports relying upon now antiquated World Health Organization gastroenteropancreatic and lung/thymus criteria. As an additional prognostic factor, positive CA9 staining in NETs may correlate with elevated grade, stage and risk of metastasis while serving as a potential target of chemotherapy and immunotherapy and indicator of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome. Rarer still are descriptions of renal NETs presenting with renal cell carcinoma in the ipsilateral or contralateral kidney. Thus, we present a patient with a primary renal NET of the right kidney with regional lymphovascular invasion and distant metastasis with an emphasis on grading criteria concordant with the World Health Organization 2022 gastroenteropancreatic and lung/thymus systems. In addition, we discuss unusual staining for CA9 in the patient's tumor and a concomitant left kidney clear cell renal cell carcinoma that may act as a clinicopathologic mimic of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome.

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