
The mission of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) is to maintain and promote the use of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM, second edition). The JCGM has produced the third edition of the VIM (referred to as VIM3) and a number of documents; some of which are referred to as supplements to the GUM. We are concerned with the Supplement 1 (GUM-S1) and the document JCGM 104. The signal contribution of the GUM is its operational view of the uncertainty in measurement (as a parameter that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could be attributed to an unknown quantity). The operational view promulgated by the GUM had disconnected the uncertainty in measurement from the unknowable quantities true value and error. The GUM-S1 has diverged from the operational view of the uncertainty in measurement. Either the disparities should be removed or the GUM-S1 should not be referred to as a supplement to the GUM. Also, the GUM-S1 has misinterpreted the Bayesian concept of a statistical parameter and the VIM3 definitions of coverage interval and coverage probability are mathematically defective. We offer practical suggestions for revising the GUM-S1 and the VIM3 to remove their divergence from the GUM and to repair their defects.

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