
The rapid development of 3D acquisition devices enables us to collect billions of points in a few hours. However, the analysis of the output data is a challenging task, especially in the field of 3D point cloud change detection. In this Shape Retrieval Challenge (SHREC) track, we provide a street-scene dataset for 3D point cloud change detection. The dataset consists of 866 3D object pairs in year 2016 and 2020 from 78 large-scale street scene 3D point clouds. Our goal is to detect the changes from multi-temporal point clouds in a complex street environment. We compare three methods on this benchmark, with one handcrafted (PoChaDeHH) and the other two learning-based (HGI-CD and SiamGCN). The results show that the handcrafted algorithm has balanced performance over all classes, while learning-based methods achieve overwhelming performance but suffer from the class-imbalanced problem and may fail on minority classes. The randomized oversampling metric applied in SiamGCN can alleviate this problem. Also, different siamese network architecture in HGI-CD and SiamGCN contribute to the designing of a network for the 3D change detection task.

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