
Nasal humps are of congenital, hereditary, racial, or traumatic origin or may be caused by disease, e.g., hemangioma. Only the congenital and traumatic forms will be considered here, because they are commonly encountered in a corrective rhinoplasty. In order to have a short significant connotation for the removal of the abnormal convex profile, Jacques Joseph called the operation "Häckerabtragung," removal of the hump. Esthetically, the end-result of a rhinoplasty requires that the profile line of the osseous and upper cartilaginous vaults should be straight. Any abnormal convexities, depressions, or irregularities of these 2 components after a rhinoplasty imply faults which may be caused by the surgeon or by defective healing. If one views the structural basis of the profile of the nose, it becomes clear that the 3 underlying constituent parts which have to be appraised are: (1) the osseous vault; (2) the upper cartilaginous vault; (3) the lower cartilaginous

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