
Sulfonamide antibiotics are persistent pollutants of aquatic bodies, known to induce high levels of bacterial resistance. We investigated the adsorption of sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, and sulfachloropyridazine sulfonamides into a highly dealuminated faujasite zeolite (Y) with cage window sizes comparable to sulfonamide dimensions. At maximal solubility the antibiotics were almost completely (>90%) and quickly (t<1min) removed from the water by zeolite. The maximal amount of sulfonamides adsorbed was 18-26% DW of dry zeolite weight, as evidenced by thermogravimetric analyses and accounted for about one antibiotic molecule per zeolitic cage. The presence of this organic inside the cage was revealed by unit cell parameter variations and structural deformations obtained by X-ray structure analyses carried out using the Rietveld method on exhausted zeolite. The most evident deformation effects were the lowering of the Fd-3m real symmetry in the parent zeolite to Fd-3 and the remarkable deformations which occurred in the 12-membered ring cage window after sulfadiazine or sulfachloropyridazine adsorption. After sulfamethazine adsorption, zeolite deformation caused a lowering in symmetry up to the monoclinic P2/m space group. The effective and irreversible adsorption of sulfonamides into organophylic Y zeolite makes this cheap and environmentally friendly material a suitable candidate for removing sulfonamides from water.

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