
Numerous studies have examined the performance of mineral and biomass-based sorbents for metal removal under laboratory conditions, but few pilot-scale tests have been performed on possible water purification systems in which these sorbents can be used. This study addressed this issue by evaluating the suitability of selected sorbents for use in continuous-flow continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR) followed by sedimentation in laboratory and in situ pilot-scale experiments. Acid (HCl)-modified peat (M-Peat), a commercially available mineral sorbent containing mainly magnesium (Mg) carbonates, Mg oxides and Mg silicates (Mineral-P) and a calcium-rich ground granular blast furnace slag (by-product of stainless steel production (Slag) were tested for treatment of metallurgical industry wastewater (laboratory, pilot). Overall, higher metal removal was achieved from samples with higher initial metal concentrations. M-Peat achieved good removal of Zn (50–70%) and Ni (30–50%) in laboratory and pilot experiments. However, the poor settling characteristics of M-Peat can restrict its application in systems where sedimentation is the solid-liquid separation process applied. Mineral-P showed good performance in removing 65–85% of Zn present in the water and it performed similarly in laboratory and pilot tests. However, low concentrations of As and Ni leached from Mineral-P in all tests. Slag achieved good performance in treatment of the industrial wastewater, removing 65–80% of Zn and 60–80% of Pb during pilot tests. However, low concentrations of Cr and Cu were leached from Slag in a few tests. As a by-product of the same (metallurgical) industry, ground granular blast furnace slag is an excellent candidate for reducing Zn concentrations from industrial wastewater flows.

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