
INTO the multitude of foreign objects causing distress in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract a new element was introduced with the wider usage of plastic materials in everyday life. Children are especially endangered by plastic toys consisting of small parts or breaking into small parts. There are numerous toys on the market catching a child's attention by expelling supposedly harmless plastic objects, such as battleships, plastic guns, etc. The skill and ingenuity of the endoscopist has been tested in the past undoubtedly many times by unusual situations or unusual foreign objects. The following case was handled successfully by the application of a new instrument. <h3>Report of a Case</h3> A 7-year-old boy was admitted to the Ponce de Leon Infirmary on Nov 21, 1964, with the history of an unsuccessful attempt at removal of a plastic bullet from the right lung the night before admission. According to the parents, they noted

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