
colleagues in this procedure as the zero degree endoscope was inserted into the nose through the left nostril, and was manipulated past the inferior concha into the middle meatus where the maxillary sinus was entered through the opening emoval of teeth where there is a close communication etween the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity can lead to he root being dislodged into the maxillary sinus, creating an roantral communication. Usually access to the root can be through the socket or y a Caldwell-Luc procedure. Approach through the socket equires a mucoperiosteal flap at the site of the socket, and emoval of bone until the maxillary sinus is exposed and the oot is identified. However, if the root is higher up within the ir space of the maxillary sinus, the Caldwell-Luc technique ay be more suitable to provide better access through the anine fossa. Both methods are moderately invasive and have good rates f success. We describe a case and technique where functional ndoscopic sinus surgery was used to retrieve a root from the axillary sinus. After a forceps extraction of the UL6 (26) in general ractice, the mesiobuccal root became detached and was isplaced into the maxillary sinus. The patient presented to ur department where an orthopantogram (OPG) showed the oot located in the superior extent of the maxillary sinus. omputed tomography (CT) showed that the fragment, meauring 8 mm, was in the superior medial aspect of the left axillary sinus close to the ethmoidal sinuses (Fig. 1). The

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