
We investigated with remote sensing (APEX images) the coexistence of phytoplankton and macrophytes in three interconnected shallow and hypereutrophic fluvial lakes (Mantua Lakes, Northern Italy). High concentrations of chlorophyll-a, up to 60 mg m−3, were determined in the open water between well-developed stands of floating-leaved, submerged, and emergent macrophytes. Our data suggest a general inhibition of phytoplankton by macrophytes, evidenced by decreasing chlorophyll-a concentrations in proximity of macrophyte stands. Chlorophyll-a concentrations halved in the proximity of emergent stands (~6 mg m−3 within 21 m from the stand border) when compared to the outer zones (~13 mg m−3). Contrasting trends were observed for submerged stands, where concentrations decreased inwards from ~8 to ~3 mg m−3. Floating leaved stands had a neutral effect, chlorophyll-a being nearly constant in both inner and outer zones. Overall, remotely-sensed data allow evaluation of quantitative and spatially defined interactions of macrophytes and phytoplankton at the whole ecosystem scale.

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