
The existing image matching methods for remote sensing scenes are usually based on local features. The most common local features like SIFT can be used to extract point features. However, this kind of methods may extract too many keypoints on the background, resulting in low attention to the main object in a single image, increasing resource consumption and limiting their performance. To address this issue, we propose a method that could be implemented well on resource-limited satellites for remote sensing images ship matching by leveraging line features. A keypoint extraction strategy called line feature based keypoint detection (LFKD) is designed using line features to choose and filter keypoints. It can strengthen the features at corners and edges of objects and also can significantly reduce the number of keypoints that cause false matches. We also present an end-to-end matching process dependent on a new crop patching function, which helps to reduce complexity. The matching accuracy achieved by the proposed method reaches 0.972 with only 313 M memory and 138 ms testing time. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods in remote sensing scenes in extensive experiments, our keypoint extraction method can be combined with all existing CNN models that can obtain descriptors, and also improve the matching accuracy. The results show that our method can achieve ∼50% test speed boost and ∼30% memory saving in our created dataset and public datasets.

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