
Remote sensing data and methods are widely deployed in order to contribute to the assessment of numerous components of earthquake risk. While for earthquake hazard-related investigations, the use of remotely sensed data is an established methodological element with a long research tradition, earthquake vulnerability–centred assessments incorporating remote sensing data are increasing primarily in recent years. This goes along with a changing perspective of the scientific community which considers the assessment of vulnerability and its constituent elements as a pivotal part of a comprehensive risk analysis. Thereby, the availability of new sensors systems enables an appreciable share of remote sensing first. In this manner, a survey of the interdisciplinary conceptual literature dealing with the scientific perception of risk, hazard and vulnerability reveals the demand for a comprehensive description of earthquake hazards as well as an assessment of the present and future conditions of the elements exposed. A review of earthquake-related remote sensing literature, realized both in a qualitative and quantitative manner, shows the already existing and published manifold capabilities of remote sensing contributing to assess earthquake risk. These include earthquake hazard-related analysis such as detection and measurement of lineaments and surface deformations in pre- and post-event applications. Furthermore, pre-event seismic vulnerability–centred assessment of the built and natural environment and damage assessments for post-event applications are presented. Based on the review and the discussion of scientific trends and current research projects, first steps towards a roadmap for remote sensing are drawn, explicitly taking scientific, technical, multi- and transdisciplinary as well as political perspectives into account, which is intended to open possible future research activities.

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