
Abstract The Pure Oil Co.'s initial installation in the Vermilion Block 39 Field operates a remote platform approximately 1–3/4 miles distant from a central platform. The remote platform contains three gas-condensate wells and their allied production equipment in conjunction with the require safety and aid to navigation equipment. The production equipment consists of low temperature extraction units with the gas and condensate being measured by orifice meters. Twenty-one temperature and pressure functions are continuously telemetered and recorded. Twelve additional temperature and pressure functions are telemetered on a selective basis and only indicated at the control platform. Twenty-three supervisory control points are provided for operational and safety requirements. A 6700-MC microwave system utilizing three channels for the telemetered and control functions and one voice communication channel provide the connecting link between the remote and control platform. Required power is supplied by diesel driven generators at each platform. This arrangement brought about a problem in frequency control and automatic synchronization of generators. Selection of equipment and its application was based upon a fundamental requirement of "fail safe" operation with the viewpoint of its application being expanded to encompass a much larger area of operation. It is believed that this installation will point the way toward means of reducing costs, increasing safety, and increasing efficiency in offshore gas-condensate production. Introduction The trend toward semi-attended or unattended production facilities in the oil industry has been gaining momentum during the past two or three years. Even prior to the present "recession," this trend was well established. The ever rising costs of lease production including supplies replacement parts, salaries, etc., caused the oil industry to seek some means of reducing these operating costs, and further aggravating the situation of increasing costs were decreasing profits.

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