
Abstract: The escalating risks in contemporary society have made ensuring the protection of women a primary concern. This idea aims to create a real-time safety system with dual functionality by integrating different components to safeguard women. The operating principle entails the interaction of two devices to establish an effective surveillance and tracking system with a suitable alternative. A safety device that fits into a person's baggage is developed for the purpose. The system delivers several notifications to warn individuals with a single trigger of a switch or a vibration sensor, eliminating the need for many other sensors. To begin, the system uses Global Positioning System (GPS) to track the geographical location and delivers SMS/call notifications through Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to register contact numbers or a police station in proximity. Secondly, a buzzer alert will notify residents in the neighbourhood. A red led is a second attempt to awaken the surroundings and highlight the urgency of the issue. Through the live recording, a camera captures the attacker as well as a glimpse of the location, which can be viewed online. Finally, a temporary defense might be implemented by creating a shock wave that causes a jolt to an opponent, this time can be used by the person to escape from the area. The second component of the system encompasses the construction of a patrolling robot that moves in the direction of the sound received from the safety device and then continues live monitoring with a camera mounted on top of it that can be viewed by another segment of responsible people currently employed for the purpose.

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