
The relevance of the problem under consideration is related to the expansion of distance employment both in connection with the development of digital economy and under the influence of the pandemic as a new phenomenon that can affect migration. The purpose of this article is to identify the possibility of the emergence of new anti-migration factors, new measures to consolidate the population in a particular territory in connection with the development of remote employment. In contrast to the existing studies of labor migration and remote employment, a synthesis of these processes is proposed, the understanding of which has not yet been reflected in scientific papers, as the analysis of the scientific works showed. Methodology of the study is based on the results of theoretical understanding of sociological surveys of Internet recruitment data for the reasons and directions of labor migration and distance employment. People who leave for other regions and are engaged in remote work are in general characterized by higher education, relatively young age and the desire to move to large cities with developed infrastructure. Nevertheless, they differ in the types of work performed. When working remotely, they are engaged in IT technologies, accounting, audit, and legal services. During labor migration, they work in construction industry, enterprises of raw materials extraction, and industrial production, i.e. jobs involving hard physical labor. At the same time young people are more focused on intellectual work and are not interested in physical work. It is facilitated by the focus of the current education system on the development of creativity and project activities with little attention paid to the development of physical abilities. The development of distance employment is just a new factor in the consolidation of the permanently settled population in the region. For this purpose, it is suggested to change the approaches to infrastructure development, which is confirmed by the experience, for example, of Innopolis and the proactive formation of individual labor careers, primarily for native population but also for the newly arrived people. Such a policy is most important for the federal entities of the Southern Federal District the reason for moving to which is a unique natural factor and a favorable climate.

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