
This article presents the argument for the remodeling of character education in the new normal post-pandemic COVID-19 era. During the pandemic, the sudden shift to online learning made the character education process ineffective and caused a loss of student character values. To solve this problem, schools must use technology to optimize the learning process in character education. This study aimed to determine the effective character education models for schools to face the post-pandemic era. Using a systematic literature review, this research focused on finding effective character education models and applying them at schools. The results showed that character education models can be made effective through (i) habituation in daily activities at school and home; (ii) integration between the learning process and extracurricular activities; and (iii) use of digital media. All models studied used hybrid systems combining offline and online learnings to deliver character values to students. Based on the results of this study, remodeling of character education can improve the effectiveness of the learning process in schools and prepare them for the new normal post-pandemic era.
 Keywords: remodelling, character education, new normal, post-pandemic

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