
The Macedonian economy gets out relatively little hurt by the global economic crisis not facing with financial crisis, the recession was short-lived, and social crisis emerged in modest sizes. However, the global crisis revealed the major weaknesses of the economic model which was implemented. It turned out that the Macedonian economy is very dependent on the performance of only a few sectors and movements on the prices of its most important export and import products, and that the scope of supply and demand for domestic goods and services is small. These lectures from the economic crisis posed by the need to create a new model for country economic development in the future. The application of historical, statistical, analytical and comparative method shows that Macedonia should exercise other holistic approach in the remodeling of their economy. This means that, besides keeping macroeconomic and financial policy in the future the Macedonian government should act more vigorously in the direction of creating new jobs and provide greater social security. The economic model that we propose in this paper recommends it be done by encouraging small and medium enterprises, diversification of production, encouraging domestic investments, developing human capital, improving infrastructure, encouraging exports and harmonization the macroeconomic instruments. The application of this model will result in increasing investments, industrial production and exports, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products, reducing the trade deficit and maintaining the macroeconomic stability. The general conclusion of the paper is that application of the proposed economic model should lead to realization of two most important goals: achieving lasting, sustainable and significantly higher rates of economic growth and reducing the high rate of unemployment in the country.

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