
On July 5, 2010, Dale E. Brashers, head of the Departmentof Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and key figure in the field of health commu-nication, passed away in his university office. He was 50years old.Theimpactofthislossisstillexpanding,ripplingthroughthe field and the vast network of people who knew him ascolleague, mentor, or friend. For some, his death was noless painful than losing a parent, so special was this manto them. Equally severe is the loss to the field of healthcommunication, in which Brashers was a central and highlyvisible figure. His scholarly contributions, applied clinicalwork, mentorship of junior health communication scholars,and leadership in our national and international professionalorganizations all helped advance our discipline, broaden-ing its reach and increasing its visibility among the healthsciences. Although Brashers held some interest in groupsand argumentation (Jacobs, Brashers, & Dawson, 1996;Meyers & Brashers, 1999; Meyers, Brashers, & Hanner,2000; Rintamaki & Brashers, 2010), he is best known forhis methodological research and theoretical advancement ofuncertainty management. For these reasons, the 100

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