
It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of Nancy E. Kline, JOPON’s Editor. It is ironic that we are using this Guest Editorial to share this sad news with you since Nancy hated writing editorials...we think she might be laughing about this. Intelligent, kind, compassionate, heartfelt, humorous, pragmatic, decisive, supportive, playful, friend, mentor, intuitive, articulate, with a smile that could light up a room. These are only some of the words we could use to describe Nancy. Although many of you might not have had the privilege of knowing Nancy, if you are a pediatric oncology nurse, your life and the lives of the children and families you care for have been impacted, and greatly enhanced, by her many personal and professional gifts. If you have studied the Essentials of Pediatric Oncology Nursing: A Core Curriculum; read or referenced an article from JOPON; attended her many seminars, workshops, presentations; read her published articles, looked up information in Pediatric Oncology Nursing: Advanced Clinical Handbook, then you know Nancy’s work. If you have given chemotherapy, then chances are you were taught by someone who had taken the Pediatric Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Program that Nancy developed. If your practice is evidenceand researchbased, then you know Nancy. If you were mentored, taught, supported, or advised by Nancy, than you are a better pediatric oncology nurse. One of Nancy’s great loves (and she had many) was JOPON. Since 1998, when she became the Editor, her hard work and high standards have made this the premiere journal for pediatric oncology nursing. Her dedication and commitment ensures that this will be part of her legacy. In the coming weeks, months and years, as we grieve her passing, smiling though our tears as we remember her joy and zest for life, her smile, her wonderful sense of humor and her loving support, we will remember that legacy and formulate what the life of this wonderful woman means to all of us, personally and professionally. Thousands of nurses, patients, and families will never know that the superb care they give and receive is due, in no small measure, to Nancy Kline. We miss you. As we mourn her absence from our lives and celebrate a life filled with grace, humor, accomplishments, joy, we send love and support to Nancy’s family and friends. When we were little, we would try on the shoes of those we loved and respected, wondering when we would grow into them. We are here today missing her and wondering if we can grow into her shoes. We know we will do our best. In the upcoming months, you will hear more tributes to Nancy and her work.

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