
Remarks on some European Aleocharinae, with description of a new Rhopaletes species from Croatia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Based on an examination of type and non-type material, ten species-group names are synonymised: Atheta mediterranea G. Benick, 1941, Aloconota carpathica Jeannel et Jarrige, 1949 and Atheta carpatensis Tichomirova, 1973 with Aloconota mihoki (Bernhauer, 1913); Amischa jugorum Scheerpeltz, 1956 with Amischa analis (Gravenhorst, 1802); Amischa strupii Scheerpeltz, 1967 with Amischa bifoveolata (Mannerheim, 1830); Atheta tricholomatobia V. B. Semenov, 2002 with Atheta boehmei Linke, 1934; Atheta palatina G. Benick, 1974 and Atheta palatina G. Benick, 1975 with Atheta dilaticornis (Kraatz, 1856); Atheta degenerata G. Benick, 1974 and Atheta degenerata G. Benick, 1975 with Atheta testaceipes (Heer, 1839). A new name, Atheta velebitica nom. nov. is proposed for Atheta serotina Ádám, 2008, a junior primary homonym of Atheta serotina Blackwelder, 1944. A revised key for the Central European species of the Aloconota sulcifrons group is provided. Comments on the separation of the males of Amischa bifoveolata and A. analis are given. A key for the identification of Amischa species occurring in Hungary and its close surroundings is presented. Remarks are presented about the relationships of Alevonota Thomson, 1858 and Enalodroma Thomson, 1859. The taxonomic status of Oxypodera Bernhauer, 1915 and Mycetota Ádám, 1987 is discussed. The specific status of Pella hampei (Kraatz, 1862) is debated. Remarks are presented about the relationships of Alevonota Thomson, 1858, as well as Mycetota Ádám, 1987, Oxypodera Bernhauer, 1915 and Rhopaletes Cameron, 1939. The publication date of several Atheta species described by G. Benick is discussed. Aloconota mihoki, Amischa forcipata, A. filum and Atheta boehmei are reported from Hungary, Croatia and Romania, respectively, for the first time. A new species, Rhopaletes slavoniae sp. n. is described from Croatia.

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