
Purpose: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is still considered as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality of victims by traffic accident. Despite a fact that many measurements and preventions have been applied, the rate of TBI is remained high. Aim of this study was to investigate treatment process of TBI caused by road traffic accident at Viet Duc Hospital after the Decree 100 which has been issued in Vietnam in early 2020. Materials and method: A retrospective and prospective study has been conducted in Viet Duc Hospital from Dec, 2020 to March, 2021. All the patients with TBI by road traffic accident were enrolled. Severity of TBI was identified by Glasgow Scale (GCS) and BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) test taken on arrival. The data was collected from medical record as well as autopsy report and analysed by SPSS.20.0 Results: A total of 150 patients with TBI by road traffic accidents were enrolled, age group from 21 to 60 years old accounted for 64%, male accounted for 86.7%. Associated injuries were maxillofacial lesions 48%, extremities 24.7%, chest accounted for 20%. Severity of TBI with GCS 6 - 8 was the highest rate 52%, from 3 - 5 GCS accounted for 30%. 40% were operated on emergency; BAC was positive 46.7%, of which over from 50 mg/L accounted for 32.6%. The patients with GCS from 6 to 8 were BAC positive accounted for a higher rate than groups with GCS above 9 or below 5. The most common TBI lesions were subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hematoma and cerebral edema accounted for 67.3%, 60% and 58% respectively. Overall mortality was 26% including in-hospital death and discharged to die. Conclusions and recommendations: Data from the study has shown that many young men with severe TBI by road traffic accident were BAC positive which can results in the high risk of death and disability. Thus, we highly recommend counterparts should constantly strengthen the propaganda and enforcement measures in order to reduce traffic accidents and TBI patients. Keywords: traffic accidents; injury; brain trauma severity.

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