
Binary bent functions have a strictly specified number of non-zero values. In the same way, ternary bent functions satisfy certain requirements on the elements of their value vectors. These requirements can be used to specify six classes of ternary bent functions. Classes are mutually related by encoding of function values. Functions within a class are mutually related by permutation of elements in their function vectors. Given a basic ternary bent function, other functions in the same class can be constructed by permutation matrices having a block structure similar to that of the factor matrices appearing in the Good-Thomas decomposition of Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier transform and related algorithms. Conversion of function vectors into matrices or equivalent matrix-valued vectors of smaller length leads to the redistribution of space complexity of related manipulation algorithms. In this matrix representations, construction of other bent functions from a given known bent function is performed by using either properties of bent functions or by manipulation of such representations in terms of FFT-like permutation matrices of dimensions smaller than the length of the function vector of the initial bent functions.

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