
In 1750, Archibald Kennedy condemned New York's legislators for their radical constitutional innovation. “They take upon themselves to be the sole judges,” he stormed, and “‘insist… that no order for publick money shall issue, till their judgment has been obtained for it.’” Kennedy meant the charge literally. For almost half a century, New York legislators had preserved their power over the purse by determining claims made against the colony for money. In an arrangement sharply at odds with later legal doctrine on the separation of powers, the legislature—not the courts—had since 1706 settled contract claims for services and materials, demands for military pay and salaries, calls for compensation for the impressment of property, petitions for disability pensions, and a range of other claims.


  • HHiissttoorryy is a ssttrraannggeemediumm:: it carrrriieessthe most ccoonntteemmppoorraarryydebaatteess onto the most distanntt terrrraaiinn..Both Bruce Mannn andd David KKoonniigg focus on the notions of cchhaannggee andd context thaatt uunnddeerrggiirrddthe foruumm eessssaayyss

  • AAccccoorrddiinngg to thiiss aapppprrooaacchh,a constituuttiioonnaall trraaddiittiioonnis att once a pprroojjeecctt thaatt is uunnrreemmiittttiinnggllyy instituttiioonnaall anndd ann eenntteerrpprriissee thaatt is as pprrooffoouunnddllyy iiddeeoollooggiiccaall

  • Governnmmeenntt itself is not a tthhiinngg, butt a concatenattion of decisions, madde, enforced, anndd contested, aboutt who should ssppeeaakk anndd with what aauutthhoorritiyty. .The morrttaall anndd cchhaannggiinngg charraacctteerr of instituuttiioonnss is often lost in eexxiissttiinngg accounnttss..And forr eevveerryy accounntt thaattrreeiiffiieess instittuuttiioonnaallddyynnaamm

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HHiissttoorryy is a ssttrraannggeemediumm:: it carrrriieessthe most ccoonntteemmppoorraarryydebaatteess onto the most distanntt terrrraaiinn..Both Bruce Mannn andd David KKoonniigg focus on the notions of cchhaannggee andd context thaatt uunnddeerrggiirrddthe foruumm eessssaayyss. Itt is the pprreesseennttaattiioonnof thhee rreeggiimmee jjuusstt constrruucctteedd as rriigghhtt anndd pprrooppeerr,,as aapppprroopprriaiatetefor all its ppaarrttiicciippaannttss,,anndd it is ooppeenn to ddiissppuuttee on thaatt ggrroouunndd bbyy aannyy of them. Ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt resolved to the level of eexxppeerriieennccee is eevveerryywwhheerree anndd each ddaayy constituted bbyy pprraaccttiicceess thaatt set aappaarrttthhee identitties anndd decisions of ppeeooppllee..


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