
Research conducted over the last 20 years supports that many patients with cancer engage religion and spirituality (R/S) when coping with their illness. Research on patients with brain cancer is more minimal but mirrors the same findings. This article provides a brief overview of the research about R/S and coping among cancer patients, then summarizes the research about R/S among patients with brain cancer and their caregivers. The following topics are discussed: (I) the importance of R/S to patients with brain cancer and their caregivers, (II) specific R/S needs experienced by patients with brain cancer and their caregivers over the cancer continuum, (III) R/S coping mechanisms engaged by brain cancer patients and their caregivers, and (IV) the healthcare systems' engagement of R/S needs within the healthcare setting. This is followed by professional chaplains' descriptions of their own experience with R/S concerns of patients with brain cancer and their caregivers, and the spiritual care they have offered them. Hear My Voice, a new spiritual life review intervention, is described. Research to deepen understanding of the R/S concerns of patients with brain cancer and their loved ones, and spiritual care interventions offered to them is recommended.

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