
The diversity of the Indonesian State, starting from religion, ethnicity, race, language and others, makes Indonesia a country where conflicts often occur. his article is included in library research, which focuses on literature studies because research sources are taken from journal articles, books and interviews. This interview method aims to find out more about Religious Moderation in the opinion of many people. The author conducted direct interviews with several people, one of whom was at the Mambaul Huda Islamic Boarding School, Sumberejo, Batanghari, East Lampung. Then the results of the interviews were reviewed and the data that the author had collected were collected. The research found that one of the triggers for conflict that often occurs is the narrow understanding of Islam thus that many become extremists. To overcome this, it is necessary to apply the values ​​of moderation in religion and Islamic wasathiyah. These values ​​are in the form of mutual love, tolerance, moderation, fairness and always prioritizing common interests through deliberations. As well as what is used as the basis and indicator of religious moderation as a way to deal with the extreme right and left that are happening.

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