
* Introduction: Religion-Offenders-Rehabilitation: Questioning the Relationship * Prison Religion in Action and Its Influence on Offender Rehabilitation * The Reasons for Religious Involvement in the Correctional Environment * The Role of the Prison Chaplain in Rehabilitation * Intersections of Race, Religion, and Inmate Culture: The Historical Development of Islam in American Corrections * Resistance to Conversion to Islam Among African American Women Inmates * Prisoners, Prison, and Religion: Religion and Adjustment to Prison * Religiosity and Drug Use Among Inmates in Boot Camp: Testing a Theoretical Model with Reciprocal Relationships * Denominational Differences in Self-Reported Delinquency * Evaluating Religious Initiatives in a Correctional Setting: Do Inmates Speak? * Shame and Religion as Factors in the Rehabilitation of Serious Offenders * Social Theory, Sacred Text, and Sing-Sing Prison: A Sociology of Community-Based Reconciliation * The Prisoner as Scapegoat: Some Skeptical Remarks on Present Penal Policy * Rethinking God, Justice, and Treatment of Offenders * Index * Reference Notes Included

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