
This essay evaluates the standpoint that the Roman Catholic Church has adopted regarding the European migrant crisis. Some countries feel a severe outfl ow of people due to mass labor migration; others must deal with the challenges as transit states, and others – enormous challenges generated by the infl ux of economic immigrants and refugees. The most popular theories of migration and public policies very often ignore the ethical component of migration. One of the entities that constantly emphasizes the humanitarian aspect of migration is the Holy See. Popes, beginning with Leo XIII, have repeatedly raised the issue of rights to a dignifi ed life and decent work, and if it is necessary also to migrate in search of a safe shelter and a better life. Pope Francis, like his predecessors, referring to the problem of migration, puts people fi rst. He emphasizes that all migration streams consist of individuals who deserve respect and care because we see in them the face of God. This paper concludes that the Church remains the signifi cant international body impartial amidst the growing European schism on the migrant issue.


  • The ethical aspect of migration processes is crucial, though it is not always accurately evaluated by researchers

  • It is worth noting that most migration theories focus on analyzing the migration phenomenon from the point of view of mass economic, sociological, demographic, or historical trends, in which human beings, their tragedies, and personal backgrounds often go off the table

  • Researchers have noticed the danger associated with the growing popularity of the discourse that defines migration processes as an existential threat in recent decades

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The ethical aspect of migration processes is crucial, though it is not always accurately evaluated by researchers. Hollifield, the liberal paradox of democratic states creates a specific situation in which, to maintain the economic development and competitiveness of a state, nations open to the flow of capital, goods, or services, but at the same time limit the influx of migrants, fearing political consequences of a liberal migration policy.[3] Some scholars, referring to the issue of migration and its challenges, emphasized humanitarian values, regarding it to the achievements of Christian Caritas or the European enlightenment Their analysis referred to the protection of human rights, global justice, solidarity, and Kantian ethics.[4]. I show the importance of Christian ethics, and of Catholic Social Teaching, in addressing the problem of migrants and refugees during the pontificate of Pope Francis. I analyzed the key papal documents, sermons, apostolic letters, and public statements to find keywords that help us reframe the migration discourse in Pope Francis’ teaching

Roman Catholic Social Teaching and Migration
Pope Francis and the Problem of Migrants
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