
Religious education in public schools and the level of its assimilation by students is a constant concern in pluralistic societies. Interest is focused on the intensity of the relationship between religious education and its spiritual dimension, and the postulated causal link between them. The criticism of methods for teaching religious notions and the usefulness of religious education in itself is justified by the fact that once it is accepted in the private sphere, the religious message–with all its consequences and unpredictable effects–is difficult to investigate and could manifest itself as veritable ideological “brainwashing.” Therefore, secular logic proposes the dilution of confessional religious teaching in the public education system or its replacement with the general study of all traditions and religions, as a means to guarantee tolerant behavior. However, from the perspective of confessional religion, the integration of religious education in the public education system has a formative role that is absolutely necessary. Knowledge of religious notions belonging to one’s own religious confession contributes to the establishment of the identity components of the students and their integration into the cultural and spiritual areas to which they belong. Acquiring religious culture can configure, but not determine that they will follow a religious life. Is the fear of religious radicalization in the public education system justified? Is it equivalent to the transmission of general notions of religon and the teaching of artistic activities that have religious character with a subliminal guidance toward fanaticism? To what extent is religious education similar to religious initiation and what are their limits? Are confessional religious education and community spiritual initiation forms of religious indoctrination?

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