
This research Article attempts to provide an understanding of the concept of Religion in general and to describe the key points of the Philosophy of Hinduism in particular. The word Dharma is derived from the root ‘dhr’ to hold or support" and refers to a regularity of conduct and action which holds together and supports social life. The Dharma which forms the central element of Hinduism is essentially social, old social customs and habits and ideals which have come down from ancient times and will admit of no change. These customs bear the stamp of approval of the sages of old who were in contact with the gods and super-human powers, and are thereby given a super-human, religious sanction and have eternal validity. Here, an attempt is also made to describe Hinduism or Indian religion as a cultural tradition. Yogendra Singh in his book ‘modernization of Indian traditions, 1973’ identified four major cultural traditions of Indian civilizations as Hierarchy, Holism, Continuity and Transcendence. This paper is an attempt to outline the essence of the Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion of Indian origin and, not merely followed by majority population of India and Nepal but also followed by many people in countries of America, Europe, Africa, south and south-east Asia and so on. Indeed, it is world’s religion.

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