
Possibility and limits of dialogue between religion and psychology is an interesting topic attracting significant attention of theologians and psychologists today. A century long experience of Catholic Church being in dialogue with modern psychological theory and practice is a proof of complexity and multifacetedness of this endeavor as well as an authentic illustration of its challenges, possibilities and potential solutions for all religious traditions faced with similar dilemmas. The aim of the study is threefold: 1) to offer a short historical overview of attitude of the Catholic Church towards achievements of modern psychological science, 2) to present the main areas and challenges faced by the Church in dialogue with and exploitation of contemporary psychology today and 3) to identify agents and mechanisms of this process. This attitude evolved from the initial suspicion and antagonism to respect towards achievements of healthy psychology and systematic attempt of their integration in Catholic teaching and pastoral work. Seemingly two factors are especially important for the achieved success, namely individual enthusiasm and systematic approach of Catholic theologian-psychologists to the issue at stake and the existence of minimum of official support in the Church for these endeavors, even at the time of the hey-days of anti-modernism in the Catholic circles. These are eventually the useful hints for all religious traditions perplexed with similar dilemmas.

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