
This letter proposes a multiresolution technique to address the high computational cost in remote sensing image registration. The scale-invariant feature transform is applied to detect keypoints and descriptors, and then, global information combined with descriptors is utilized to establish keypoint mappings. Keypoints are first classified according to their octaves. Then, in the lowest resolution, the keypoints of the largest octave are mapped with descriptors and the global information, giving an initial affine transformation $T_0$ . In the next octave, the keypoints of the second largest octave are mapped by employing $T_0$ to narrow the space of matching keypoints. By this means, the process of establishing keypoint correspondences is conducted from one resolution (octave) to the next as the obtained transformation gets finer until we get to the highest resolution. Due to the high computational expense of computing global information, the proposed technique is important for aligning large-size remote sensing imagery. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve a comparable registration accuracy but with a less computational cost than directly building keypoint mappings on images of large size.

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