
Increasing population leads to higher demand for clean water. Clean water supply in Banda Aceh City is entrusted to the Tirta Daroy Water Supply Company with a capacity of 730 l/s with raw water sources from the Krueng Aceh River, Krueng Aceh Watershed. Master Plan of the Banda Aceh City Drinking Water Supply System 2015 was planned to increase production capacity by 1,916 l/s by 2035. So, a reliable raw water resources are needed to meet the increase in production capacity of 1,186 l/s. The reliability of raw water resources can be attempted by statistical analysis of minimum successive dry discharge data of duration 1,2,7,15, and 30 days with theoretical distribution fit tests carried out. The types of distributions used to analyze extreme dry discharge are the Gumbel, Log-Normal, and Log-Pearson III distributions. From the results, the Krueng Aceh River can meet the raw water sources needs until 2035 with the dependable flow of QR20-1 = 4.74 m3/s. Increasing production capacity is planned by building a processing plant at two stages, 800 l/s and 400 l/s.

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