
A Microwave Power Module (MPM) is a microwave device used to amplify radio frequency (RF) signals to required higher power levels. It is a combination of solid state and vacuum tube, which encloses a solid-state power amplifier (SSPA), traveling wave tube (TWT) and electronic power conditioning modules into a single unit. It may be used wherever microwave power amplification is required, and space is main constraint. EPC is very critical for consistent operation of the MPM. The EPC is composed of electronic components and hence the prediction of its failure rate is essential. Reliability prediction provides a uniform, basis for evaluating potential reliability during the early stages of product development cycle. Predictions help in evaluating the feasibility of present reliability requirements and provide a basis for design and apportionment decisions. Predictions that fall short of desired requirements at any level necessitate both managerial and technical intervention. The process helps in determining improvements, if any, can be made in designing and selecting parts. The reliability prediction provides a numerical value, for constant failure rate, for the reliability of the system, which is the estimated reliability attainable when all design and development problems have been worked out.

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