
Animal disease preparedness plans including depopulation guidelines are paramount to prevent the spread of emerging infectious diseases but difficult to implement for swine under field conditions. However, water-based foam (WBF) is currently an approved and successfully deployed depopulation methodology in poultry. Therefore, the reliability of WBF as a depopulation method and the effectiveness and irreversibility of consciousness and consequential mortality in pigs of different ages was assessed across two trials. Trial 1 investigated the time to loss of consciousness and cessation of cardiac activity in nursery pigs (n=72) at six different foam immersion time points (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 min) when placed in a 1.47 m3 (1.2 × 1.2 × 1.02m, length × width × height) plastic bulk container. One pig per replicate was implanted with an ECG bio-logger. Irreversible loss of consciousness was observed after a 5-min immersion. The average (SD) time to development of a fatal arrhythmia from the initiation of the foam application was 7.3min (1.82 s). Trial 2 aimed to validate the findings from Trial 1 in 75 larger cull sows across three replicates (n=25). Sows were loaded into a 41-m3 sealed trailer (12.2 × 1.5 × 2.24m), immersed in WBF and left undisturbed for 5 min post foam-filling completion. Six pigs in each replicate were implanted with an ECG bio-logger. A 5-min dwell time resulted in irreversible loss of consciousness and subsequent mortality in all cull sows. The average time (SD) to cessation of movement and fatal arrhythmia post foam-filling completion was 2.2min (34.8 s) and 8.7min (138.0 s), respectively. While a 5-min immersion in WBF induced irreversible loss of consciousness and death in both trials, a 7.5-min dwell time followed by observation for confirmation of death post WBF removal would be advisable for pigs of all sizes.

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