
Cysticercus bovis and macroscopic Sarocysts detected from bovine meat look similar and specific identification of each of these cysts is important for addressing proper preventive, and control measures of tCysticercosis and Sarcocystosis diseases.Therefore, it is sometimes a challenge for Vets to distinguish these two species of parasites during their daily routine meat inspection using traditional methods. Cysticerci and Sarcocysts are responsible of Bovine Cysticercosis and Cattle Sarcocystosis respectively. These Veterinarians can sometimes make errors in identification of these two parasitic species from Cattle meat muscle tissues. The study was conducted from Abattoir in Russian Federation with intention of the problem addressed confirmation. During laboratory experimental examination, it was confirmed that out of 20 cattle muscles tissues sampled from 20 infected bovines reported to contain cysticerci parasites, 5 out of them were Sarcocysts. Therefore, it is obvious for veterinarians to make errors during their routine cattle meat inspection due to the morphological behaviour of these organisms.

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