
ABSTRACTThis study examined test–retest reliability of the Norwegian version of Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE), and Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC) in children with and without disabilities. Totally 141 children, 107 typically developing, mean age 11.1, and 34 with disabilities, mean age 14.2 years participated. A cross-sectional, test–retest design was applied. The participants completed CAPE and PAC twice within mean 19 days. Reliability was examined by Chronbach's alpha, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), and Kappa statistics. The alpha values for internal consistency varied between 0.53 and 0.87 for the CAPE and between 0.75 and 0.93 for the PAC. ICC coefficients varied from 0.49 to 0.83 for the CAPE and 0.50 to 0.85 for the PAC. Kappa coefficients varied from 0.30 to 0.66. The Norwegian CAPE and PAC demonstrated sufficient measurement properties of internal consistency and test–retest reliability. The reliability of the CAPE, however, was not entirely satisfactory.

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