
The reliability of the O157:H7 ID agar (O157 H7 ID-F) to detect verocytotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli (VTEC) of serogroup O157 was investigated. This medium, designed to detect strains belonging to the clone of VTEC O157:H7/H-, contains carbohydrates and two chromogenic substrates to detect beta-d-galactosidase and beta-d-glucuronidase and sodium desoxycholate to increase selectivity for Gram-negative rods. A total of 347 strains of E. coli including a variety of serotypes, verocytotoxigenicity of human and animal sources were tested. The green VTEC O157 colonies were easy to detect among the other dark purple to black E. coli colonies. Of 63 O157:H7/H- strains, 59 (93.7%) gave the characteristic green colour. Three of the failed four strains of O157:H- were not verocytotoxigenic, missing only one VTEC O157. Three non-O157 strains gave the characteristic green colour on the medium and were VTEC OR:H- (2) and Ont:H- (1), possibly being degraded variants of the O157 enterohaemorrhagic E. coli clone. The O157:H7 ID agar (O157 H7 ID-F) was largely successful in isolating VTEC belonging to the O157:H7/H- clone. A medium, suitable for isolating strains of VTEC O157 was successfully evaluated and should be useful for the isolation of these pathogens.

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