
In this paper it is investigated the influence of two polycide processes using WSi2 chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or TaSi2 deposition by sputtering on the integrity of wet and nitrided tunnel oxides (t ox= 6.6 nm) used in Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) under negative Fowler Nordheim electron injection (FNEI). It was confirmed that the nitridation reduces the generation rates of defects created by FNEI (interface states, neutral traps, positive and negative charges) and the stress induced leakage current (SILC).This reduction is more pronounced when TaSi2 is used rather than WSi 2. In sputtering TaSi 2 process compared to the CVD WSi2 one, it was observed : ( i) - the generation of positive charges and the SILC are higher while the generation rates of interface states and negative charges are smaller ; ( ii) - the generation rate of neutral traps is higher in wet oxide while it is smaller in nitrided oxides. Whatever the polycide process, the generation of the different types of defects created by FNEI is reduced by increasing the nitridation temperature while the SILC is increased.

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