
Bogie is a train component that performed to support the basic framework of train vehicle body. The Bogie maintenance in Indonesian commercial trains is done every 350.000 km-400.000 km. But many types of Bogie K5 is fail to operate before reaching a distance of 350.000 km. The Bogie K5 component can not being replaced by other Bogie type components because the specifications are different. This research is done to determine the critical components and its maintenance plan. The method used is reliability centered maintenance (RCM). The result shows that there are 21 components of Bogie K5 that categorized in safety problem, outage problem, economic problem and hidden failure. Brake block component becomes a critical component because it is included in the safety problem component and has the highest RPN (Risk Priority Number) value compared to other components. The RCM action is develop based on conditional directed (CD) and time directed (TD) category. Based on data distribution test for component of brake block, component time to failure is categorized as weibul distribution and component time to repair is categorized as lognormal distribution. The goodness of fit test shows that hypothesis testing is acceptable. For mean time to failures, the average time is 59,44 days, which means that the average component will be damaged after 59,44 days of operation. As for the mean time to repair value is 9,18 days which means that the average time to fix the critical component is 9,18 days.

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