
Background: Chronic widespread pain disorders prevalence has been reported to be 1%-15%. The globalprevalence of MSDs ranges from 14% to as high as 42%. Fear of movement/(re)injury have been considered one ofthe most significant predictors of pain perpetuation and pain behavior, and is a central construct in the cognitivebehavioralmodel of Fear-Avoidance. One of the most widely used instruments to measure fear of movement or(re)injury during movement is TSK-11.Objectives: To translate TSK-11 questionnaire into Kannada version. To find out test-retest reliability of TSK-11in Kannada version among chronic musculoskeletal pain subjects. To find out construct validity of TSK 11 inKannada version among chronic musculoskeletal pain subjects.Methodology: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the original English versions of the TSK-11 wasperformed according to the published guidelines. The psychometric properties were evaluated by administeringthe questionnaire to 70 chronic musculoskeletal pain disorders patients. Test- retest reliability was estimated byinternal consistency and test-retest assessment. Patients completed questionnaire twice with an interval of 1 week.Convergent construct validity was performed in relation to FABQ-KA.Results: With respect to the chronic pain samples, the TSK-11 total score was significantly and positively correlatedwith catastrophizing, depression, anxiety, and pain intensity, and fear avoidance behavior of FABQ scores. Testretestreliability was tested by using ICC (Baseline and post 1 week) internal consistency was reported in terms ofCronbach’s α (0.89). Cronbach’s α coefficient was calculated for item-scale correlation. It was calculated from firstand second administration of TSK-KA-11(Level of significance was set up P > 0.05).Conclusion: Results suggest that the TSK-KA-11 has been successfully translated and cross-culturally adaptedfrom English to Kannada version and provides with the evidence that the TSK-KA-11 is a reliable and validmeasure to assess ‘Fear of re-injury’ in Kannada-speaking chronic musculoskeletal pain disorder patients.

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