
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to examine the problem of scarcity related to the theory proposed by Robert Malthus and its relevance today. As well as how Islam views the nature of scarcity. 
 Methods- This research is classified as library research, where the collection of library materials that are relevant to the research topic is the main strength of this research. In addition, this research can be categorized in the study of character studies, namely a systematic and critical study of Robert Malthus's economic thinking related to the theory of scarcity. 
 Findings- In Islamic economics, if we return to the problem of food scarcity that Malthus argues is caused by the explosion of the population that is not illuminated with the amount of food in the world, then in essence, Allah SWT has bestowed nature and its contents to meet human needs. Every human being already has a part of their respective benefits, so there can be no shortage in terms of food-related to the increase in population that occurs. 
 Implications- Ideally, Malthus's theory reminds us that population growth must still pay attention to environmental sustainability, meaning that it must be adjusted to the carrying capacity and environmental capacity.


  • Purpose- This study is to examine the problem of scarcity related to the theory proposed by Robert Malthus and its relevance today

  • About Authors Titin Izzatul Muna dan Mohammad Nurul Qomar adalah mahasiswa dan Dosen di Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

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Paper type Literature review

Tujuan- Penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji masalah kelangkaan terkait dengan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Robert Malthus dan relevansinya saat ini. Temuan- Dalam ekonomi Islam, jika kita kembali ke masalah kelangkaan makanan yang menurut Malthus disebabkan oleh ledakan populasi yang tidak diterangi dengan jumlah makanan di dunia, maka pada intinya, Allah SWT telah menganugerahkan alam dan isinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Hal ini secara tidak langsung memiliki relevansi dengan teori scarcity yang dikemukakan oleh Malthus, yang mana di daerah tersebut telah terjadi kelangkaan pangan. Allah SWT menciptakan segala yang ada di langit maupun di bumi untuk manusia, hal ini termaktub pada firman-Nya dalam QS. Hal ini lah yang mendorong penulis untuk mengkaji masalah kelangkaan atau scarcity terkait dengan teori yang diajukan oleh Robert Malthus tersebut dan relevansinya di zaman sekarang.

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