
Promoting a knowledge society through Information Technology (IT) to the development of Distance Education or open distance learning is beginning to emerge fast over the last decade. Thus, this paper discusses the extent to which IT is relevant to the development of Distance Education for teachers in Nigeria. Literature were reviewed regarding the concepts of Distance Education as a means of enhancing teachers’ performance, emergence and transformation of Open-Distance Education, the goals of Distance Education, IT and Distance Education, integration and promotion of IT for teachers. Similarly, adoption of IT in teacher education programme and their problems in Nigeria were also discussed. Relevance of IT to the development of Distance Education for teachers in Nigeria was also discussed which is the key assertion to this paper. Based on the discussion, the paper suggested that teachers should enroll for computer training programmes so as to meet with modern trends in education. All stakeholders in education should accept the reality of the need to adopt IT by integrating it into teacher education programmes, effort should be geared towards making IT products through local sources, remuneration review should be given top priority to enhance teachers’ performance, adequate financial backing should be provided for the management of Teachers’ Colleges and Universities. Similarly, curriculum of teacher education programme should also be reviewed to include computer training and practice to the development of Distance Education for teachers in Nigeria. Article visualizations:

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