
Cybercrime characteristics in cyberattack environment is malicious tendency. Therefore, in this paper, we describe the malicious nature of the attacker who caused the cyberattack. This paper focuses on the cultural values or prejudices that individuals and society give to the malicious tendencies of attackers who cause cyberattacks. First of all, in this paper, we research about the related issues, including cybercrime and cyberattack spread. This study interested in maliciousness which affecting cyber security incident and approached the issue of how integrity, rationality and benevolence will affect cyberattacks. So these attributes have found relevance to money gains or extortion cyberattacks, accidental cyberattacks and persistent cyberattacks. Also, we wanted to find a point of discussion about how the character traits of integrity, rationality, and benevolence affect the cyberattack. How these properties are linked to these cyberattacks and what trends these characteristics would have if they were assumed to occur with an arbitrary probability distribution were studied. Human maliciousness affects cyberattacks. What effect will human good character have on cyberattacks? If a cyber attacker had a sense of integrity, how would this attacker be affected by financial gains or extortion attacks? Usually, people with a high sense of integrity tend to have less or less desire for money or profit taking than those who do not have a sense of integrity. Therefore, it can be judged that a person with a high consciousness has a relatively low probability of a takeover attack targeting financial interests, etc. In this paper, There are used these factors such as sense of charity, impulsive rationality, integrity for probabilistically analysis. We can have the following insights: If the integrity is low, it is more likely to pursue money interests and attack them. Attackers with high impulsive emotions have a high chance of accidental attack, while those with high self-interest have a low chance of sustained attack. In this paper, we considered from a probabilistic point of view, focusing on how the propensity to cause cyberattacks relates to benevolence, integrity and impulse consciousness. This is because cyberattacks are determined by right value system as a moral judgment of human beings. If right value system determines that attack is right, it will cause an attack, and if it is wrong, it is highly likely that it will not cause an attack. This research result could be used as a basis for the probabilistic study of human characteristics in the relevance of cyberattacks and human maliciousness in the future.

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