
1. Production of total heat, divided into sensible and latent heat, together with carbon dioxide and animal activity were determined at different ambient temperatures under full-scale conditions in an aviary system with loose-housed laying hens. 2. Sensible heat production decreased approximately linearly with increasing ambient temperature and was lower during the day than at night. One explanation may be that some sensible heat produced by the hens was converted to latent heat by evaporation of moisture due to increased activity of the hens during the day (scratching in the bedding and drinking/waste water). 3. Latent heat production increased with increasing ambient temperature and was higher during the day than at night. This confirms that the hens, by agitating the bedding during the day and by spilling drinking water, transferred some sensible heat to latent heat by evaporation. 4. Total heat production decreased with increasing temperature because the hens by thermoregulation decreased their metabolism in order to maintain a constant body temperature. The difference between day and night values of total heat production was less pronounced than in the case of sensible and latent heat. In comparison with current guidelines the measurements showed a higher total heat production (22% higher at 20°C). 5. There was a large diurnal variation in carbon dioxide production, closely correlated to measured animal activity; on average carbon dioxide production during the 12-h dark period was only 66% of the production during the day.

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